Student bootcamp-Internship
January - June 2023
How To Apply?
- Prepare academic requirements, cover letter, CV
- Fill-in application form:
- Shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview
- successful cadidates will start internship.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the internship?
January – june 2023
Can I Apply After Rejection?
as long as you met the requirements you can apply again
Where to Interview?
Interview will be done via zoom
Post :
JAN - JUN 2023
Salary :
No. of Vacancy :

Requirement & Rules
GLC NETWORKS opens an opportunity for ONLINE bootcamp-internship. This time, we open role for PHP web developer. Student must pass bootcamp program first in order to continue for internship. Participant will do lots of assignments & cases to develop logical thinking and programming skills. This program is ONLINE, and you are welcome to visit our office in Bandung.
- Actively involved in developing web-based application with our internal framework. this framework requires very good technical skill in order to use it properly
- Attending training & mentoring to upgrade participant skills
Important Notes:
- Application deadline: first-come first served
- Interview: as soon as you submit your application. admin will contact shortlisted candidates via email/whatsapp.
- only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview
- Please do not try if you dont met criteria. We received many fakes applicants claiming they are student and take internship subjects but actually they are not.
Benefit for participants:
- Upgrade skills and experience
- Will be involved in real projects
- Opportunity to get free training and mentoring. some topics: Some topics: python, linux for developer, HTML, CSS, javascript, advanced SQL, PHP, frameworks, version control, and others as needed
- Have a chance to got internship in kuala lumpur malaysia
- Got internship certificate (only when fully attend the program)
Requirement & Rules
Academic requirements:
- Indonesian only
- You are student when apply for internship, and is still student when the internship is done. you need to provide a proof for this. for example a student card that show student expiration date, or other forms
- Provide proof that you take internship subject from your school. for example: your semester study plan
- After you are accepted, provide letter from school saying that your school sent you internship in our organisation. for example: surat keterangan dari kampus. Your school should provide academic supervisor to supervise your work and give you grade
Technical requirements:
- Candidate must have a good internet connection, sufficient for zoom meeting with share screen
- Already have experiences creating a html-css-javascript-PHP-sql(mysql/postgresql) web-based applications with following specs:
– the app contains pages for: login, registration, forgot password, manage user, manage role
– able to use global variable (POST, GET, SESSION, COOKIES)
– able to do CRUD operation on manage user page
– able to do sorting, searching, pagination
– have experience using API
– preferably PHP native app - there will be a selection for this internship, presentation/interview will be done to verify your skills and motivation
Rules during internship:
- Begin: july 2022
- End: 31 december 2022
- Waktu kerja: 5 hari seminggu, jika ada waktu kerja yang termasuk hari libur, maka akan diganti pada hari lain jika perlu.
- Jam kerja fleksible, wajib ada progress
- Durasi magang: lihat diatas (sudah termasuk training)
- Wajib membuat surat NDA (Non-Disclosure-Agreement)
- Akan ada meeting harian untuk membahas progress
- Anda wajib mengikuti program magang 100%, jika ingin didukung oleh GLC networks. misal surat keterangan